Concept Music Video Analysis
I will be analysing the music video for the song Somebody I Used To Know by the Australian songwriter and artist Gotye and the New Zealand singer Kimbra. The video was produced by the Australian artists and cinematographers Natasha Pincus and Warwick Field. Concept music videos are characterised by them being based on an idea or a concept. They combine all the characteristic of the song. They can sometimes be very confusing, rand and usually don't have a story. They are quite unpredictable and could fall under the large umbrella of the movement post-modernism. This specific video could also be labelled as a performance one as well, because of the amount of singing there is. The video features the two artists Gotye and Kimbra naked in the video, and as they sing their bodies are gradually painted into the backdrop through stop motion animation, a technique used in animation to bring static objects to life on screen. This is done by moving the object in increments while filming a ...