
Showing posts from April, 2019


Explain how the political context in which newspapers are produced, influences their ownership and regulation. Refer to The Guardian and The Daily Mail newspapers you have studied to support your answer. [10 marks] The press in the UK is free and it is generally accepted that this is fundamental to a democratic society. That means that newsmakers should seek out and circulate news, information, ideas, comment and opinion to hold those in authority to account. The press provides the platform for a multiplicity of voices to be heard. This also means that newspapers are allowed to express opinions, as well as political views. In both newspapers' cases, as any press out there, they have a political bias, which of course affects the news they put out as well as their stand on social and ethical issues. After the 2011 phone hacking scandals involving a range of newspapers a major report was published, by Lord Leveson. As a result, a new press regulator, IPSO, was set up. The aim w...