Task 4- Campaigning adverts and audience readings
- “This is Abuse- would you stop yourself?” advert
- "Be Food Smart"- Change4Life
Most children today eat cereal in the mourning and the ad depicts the truth that they consume twice as much as they need per day,which is only for breakfast. And a lot of people are unaware of that, even some adults. A thing that the government could do is to raise awareness of the dangers that over-consumation of sugar has and make nutrient-rich food more accessible to the middle class. Anither thign would be making healthy food cheaper than processed and fast food. A thing that really bugs me is that unhealthy,low on nutrients and high on sugar food is more convinient than healthy. Unhealthy food is basically everywhere ,it's really cheap and accessible for everyone whilst organic is rather costly. One thing that really stands out for me on the ad is the use of the words "to help you and your kids". The fact is that even if parents didn't pay attention to their health they still would care about the health of their child,every parent does.
- The starbucks #WhiteCupContest
The reason to why user-generated advertising is so popular is due to the fact that people preffer to hear an opinion of their peers rather than a cleverly written articl. Also consumers trust user-generated content more than all other forms of media and that's because people would believe a real persona rather than an anonymous source.
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