Task 2- Distribution and cross media platforms
Evaluation of cross platform
Potential problems
Viral advertising
One of the biggest advantages is that it's self-replicating,meaning it gets spread like a virus from person to person very quickly.Also the fast spread of the ad doesn't need much resources. |
Because of the rapid spread of the ad you may reach a person you wouldn't like to be associated with.
The "Re:Everyone Old Spice" Ad
Native advertising
I'd say there're a number of pros,such as the efficent customer targeting,it isn's that expensive but most importantly Native Advertising cannot be blocked with Adblocker(since most pc users have one today).This gives native advertising a bigger reach to people.
A problem that might occur is the negativity spread by people towards the ad,because they could find it dishonest or misleading.
The sponsored instagram/facebok posts that constantly pop up in people's news feed.
Targeted advertising
In a nutshell targeted advertising provides a potential customer with what he searched for.That way the chance of the customer being interested in the ad would be much higher leding to the purchasing of the product and such.
I think there would be a percentage of people who would mind their privacy of looking up products on the net violated.
Targeted advertising are the ads you get who are based upon your searh history.
Shoppables and Influencers
A really important aspect of shoppable ads is that they are really practical.The user can still browse and purchase items without leaving the platform he is at the moment.
One extremely big disadvantage would the the overflowing number of ads,and the irritation of people that would occur afterwards.
A Shoppable ad is one that allows you to purchase the items advertised whilst you're still at the soical media you were using.
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