The Task for Monday

News consumed by me

To start off I’d like to define the word “news”, and that is most basically said information. We as people consume a great amount of news on a daily basis, and that’s not just reading articles ,newspapers or watching the reports on TV ,we constantly receive numerous types of information (from people, reading posts, billboards etc.) but we choose to believe certain ones. And to be honest, I like cherry-picking the news I would trust ,whilst still doing my research on their legitimacy.
            Generally speaking I consume news for the reason to be informed in some way and to have opinions and basic knowledge on certain topics. Furthermore in my opinion people should have at least a little understanding about what’s going on in their city, country and the world itself, due to the fact that these people are going to be deciding their land’s fate some day by voting for instance.
            Watching people have a take on certain topics of worldwide events or politics is a thing I enjoy doing. I also read different articles from various sites. The reason for that being is because I’d like to hear different opinions and takes on the same theme. I am not really fond of reading newspapers and I’d hold the generation I’ve grown with accountable for that. Although my grandparents read papers or some elderly people I know do that I have been living all my life around technology and devices that provide online info such as articles, news stories and such. Sites I visit include The Guardian ,Reuters ,BBC and some more. There are sites I try to avoid from time to time such as CNN or FOX News, due to their subjectivity and repetitiveness (I’m a bit sick of reading about how the American president D. Trump said something sexist, racist or how he’ll start WW3).

            In a nutshell ass I mentioned in my previous paragraph I highly favour sites that are objective. Additionally reading 2 articles(about one story) that are based on different opinions is essential, because in that way you get both sides of the story, and you can base your opinion more easily, while not being affected by another person’s ideas.


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